
Grading is based on the final project, exercises, participation in the class help forum, tests, quizzes, and (optional) extra credit. 500 points equals a perfect grade. Here is how grades are calculated:

Percent Grade
500-450 100-90  A  Pass
449-400 89-80 B
399-350 79-70 C
349-300 69-60 D No
59-0 F
  • 30% of your grade = Exercises • Exercises 1–10 are each worth 15 points, for a total of 150 points — exercises are not accepted late.
  • 30% of your grade = Final project • Worth 150 points — final projects are not accepted late.
  • 26% of your grade = Tests • Test 1 is worth 20 points, tests 2 and 3 are each worth 30 points,and test 4 is worth 50 points, for a total of 130 points.
  • 14% of your grade = Forum participation • 1–5 points for each relevant post, for a total of up to 5 points in each week. See the Course Schedule for posting deadlines. Total possible points for the term: 70 points. New topics and replies both count as posts. Points are tallied separately for each period and are not cumulative. No points are awarded for posts to the practice forum.
  • Extra credit • You can earn a maximum of 50 extra credit points for the term.